Saturday, February 4, 2012


I have a question for you. I have never been one to ask for help. Many of you have stated that you want to help me and have offered ways to help. However, I don't want to impose. I also know that when I have a friend in need, I want to be able to help too. With that said, another friend suggested that I create a calendar on which people could insert a day to bring food, offer to clean, or run errands. It's really tough on me to do this, but I'm not happy watching my husband practically have a melt down because of all of the extra burdens that have been placed in his lap. Rachel is still home and helps, but she is a senior and I want her to enjoy her senior year. She is involved in many activities and I don't want her to have to give them up. Besides, she will be moving out in August and will no longer be a resource of help anyway. So, should I create a calendar? Like I said, this is a tough one for me, but I know that a lot of stress would be lifted from me if I would just accept the help that is offered.

Thank you guys. You are all a blessing.


  1. Accepting help is just letting people love you. Create the calendar! It will be helpful to others too!
