Thursday, October 16, 2014

Is Anybody Out There???

I've been in excruciating pain today. I've been battling headaches since I was 17 and I'm very tired of it. They are related to the Chiari Malformation that I had surgery for twice. No doctor has ever been able to find a medication that will relieve the pain. They can be quite debilitating. This poem came from that pain.

Is Anybody Out There???

Is anybody out there?
I hear myself cry.
I feel so alone
Under the great big sky.

I wait for an answer,
But there is none to hear.
So I ask again
And wait with much fear.

I cry out in agony
So tired of it all!
I cry out again
And beg with my call.

I hear a whisper
In all of my pain
"I'm here for you child;
You have much to gain."

I don't want to continue.
I'm so tired of this fight!
"Just wait for My summons.
You'll come Home one night."

But I'm in such pain!
I want to go Home!
"Not now," said the Father.
Not until I'm done.

"My plan is not complete.
When it is, I'll call.
For now, be patient.
It's only the Fall.

"Winter is coming 
 And then you'll be ready.
 But until that time comes,
 Remain slow and steady."

I know LORD, I know.
I know what You're saying.
You've promised great riches
So I'll just keep praying.

I don't like this burden.
I don't like it at all.
But for now, I'll be patient
And wait for Your call.

Your plan is perfect
I know deep down inside.
But when I'm dealing with such pain
I can't help but cry.

Your thoughts are much higher;
Your ways are more grand.
I just have to have faith
And continue to stand.

Today I'm not happy.
I'm not going to pretend.
But joy comes in the morning
And one Day it will end.

Then I'll be in Your presence.
What joy that will be!
I'll be at the feet of Jesus!
Oh how clear things will be!

You are so precious;
You are pure love.
I just have to claim it
By looking above.

Thank You for Your mercy.
Thank You for Your grace.
Thank You for allowing me
To one Day see Your Face.

Is Anybody out there?
Oh yes indeed!
My sweet Jesus is there
Living in me!