Friday, December 7, 2012

The day after...

I'm not feeling well today. I went to school but probably shouldn't have. I took it as easy as I could. I am quite blessed to be a gifted teacher so I don't have students all day long. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy teaching my students, but I need rest after a treatment. Students don't exactly allow you to rest! The teachers with whom I work are good about allowing me to cancel my classes if I'm not feeling well, but I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've done this. Since I am the lead gifted specialist in our system, I don't have classes on Friday because I have a lot of "lead" responsibilities to take care of. Today is Friday, so it works out well that I usually have treatments on Thursday. Just keep me in your prayers. God is so good, but I am so tired.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I have a treatment tomorrow. Pooh! I don't enjoy them! I'm very thankful for the medicine that is prolonging my life, but it does get old traveling to Birmingham every three weeks. Neal is so wonderful. He helps me make the best of it. He makes that trek with me each time, and we always stop by Chick-Fil-A on the way home so I can get a strawberry milkshake. I've been going to UAB to receive cancer treatments for over two years now, and I can count on one hand the number of times he hasn't gone. We both feel so strange if he does not go. He's my life partner and he's always been there for me. I was having health problems before we even married and had to have major surgery two years after we married. He's always been by my side to support me and I love him dearly. There aren't too many people who really mean those vows when they marry. When the going gets tough, the not so tough often get going. Not him. He loves me like no one else in this world ever has or could. I am so thankful for my sweet husband and I love him dearly. God did not give me cancer. He allowed it to happen to fulfill His purpose. He has taken care of me through it all, and one of the ways is by giving me the husband that I have. I am truly a blessed woman. LORD, just please help me to remember to look for You in everything and to know that this is Your will so that I can fulfill Your plan.