Monday, August 27, 2018

All is vanity and a chasing after wind

"All is vanity and a chasing after wind."
~ Ecclesiastes 1:14

I've come to really appreciate these words. When I was younger, I really didn't understand what they meant. But now, I think about the words we say and the things we post on social media. Even when I'm posting about how I'm feeling and asking for prayer--am I asking for His glory, or my own? I really want all I do and say to be for His glory, but I'm sure there are those who are reading this who think that I'm still after my own. Am I? I certainly hope not. This life is about Him, and I choose to glorify Him through it all. However, am I being vain by posting this in the first place? When I look deep inside, I really don't think I am. I don't want the focus to be on me; I want it on Him. I am no longer physically able to do a lot for Him, but I can speak up and let others know what He's done for me.

I've had a rough few days. I haven't been able to eat much and have been in pain. But He's got this. He is the maker of the universe and the master of all time. He already sees me as healed because I'm already there with Him in His realm of time. So for now, I must focus on that and continue to glorify Him. If the trials that I'm enduring in this life can bring one soul to Him, then it's oh so worth it. I really want everyone to know the joy I have in Him. There is no peace without Him. There is no joy without Him. Happiness is fleeting. It depends on circumstances. Joy is continual. He's got this. Joy doesn't just come in the morning; it's here today. We just have to know in Whom to find it.

"All is vanity and a chasing after wind."
How ridiculous to chase after the wind! There is no way to catch it, just as there is no way to satisfy our lives by chasing trivial things. We must run to Jesus. He's all there is.

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