Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Power of Prayer

It never ceases to amaze me how we can enter the Throne room of the One Who created the entire cosmos and talk to Him like we're talking to a good friend. He's the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, and yet He truly loves and cares for each one of us like we're the most important person in the entire world. We're His children. Simply ineffable.

The radiosurgery is over. It went well and we're back home. I can't thank you enough for your prayers, but keep them going. We won't know about some of the side effects for a while. If I have hearing loss, it might not happen for a month or two. But God's got this. I might have some really bad headaches and nausea, but God's got this. I'm in His Hands. I currently have a headache, but it's not bad. I don't have nausea yet, but I know this can happen a day or two later. I also know that God is in control, not the cancer. You keep approaching His Throne and fervently praying for me, and I might get through it without a hitch. But I might not. We have to remember that His Ways are so much higher than ours. Our lives are just a vapor. The quality of our lives is what matters, not the quantity of time we spend on this earth. We might live a day or 100 years, but what matters is how our lives impacted the world for Him. The real kicker is that we might not have a clue how we are impacting others while still here; but one Day, all will be revealed. How are you impacting His Kingdom? My greatest hope is that I will glorify Him in all that I do. Believe me, it's not easy when I have a headache the size of Mt. Everest and all I want is to be in His presence. Most of the time, I fall miserably short, but it's not about me. It's about Him.

Since you are all so great about approaching His Throne for me, I wanted to update you the best I could and selfishly ask for more prayer. However, I need to go to bed now. I love you all, but Jesus loves you more. God's got this!


  1. Thank you for updating this and I agree! God's Got This!

  2. Beautiful Words comes from a beautiful heart, this touched my heart, and so True. Praying for you.

  3. Continuing to pray for you Cindy! Love you!
